It's not what's under the tree that really counts.

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Home Improvement

* How To Green Up Your Holidays *  

The exuberance of the holidays extends to the very celebrations that define it. Traditional celebration leads to increased waste of raw materials.
Let’s vow to give the earth the gift of a greener holiday!
Consider making gifts as eco-friendly as possible but also pair them with an action that makes the present doubly impactful on the environment.
Examples could include:
*Give a (preferably sustainably made) garment; donate, recycle, or repurpose several from your closet.
*Give electronics; donate or recycle your no longer used computers, cellphones, gaming consoles, TVs, etc.
*Give a book; donate or repurpose ones that you no longer want on your shelf.
More green holiday tips:
*Wrap gifts in materials other than wrapping paper (or at least in recycled paper).
*Decorate with LED lights on a timer.
*Serve locally sourced organic foods.
*Give experiential gifts.
*Donate money or time to environmental causes in someone's name.